A good chair and...

Tolkien !
Who doesn’t know Tolkien? One of the greatest authors of Fantasy. If not the greatest?
I discovered Tolkien through the reading of The Hobbit when I was a child.
Then, many years later, I rediscovered him as a teenager by playing a role-playing game (MERPG for the experts) which takes place in the Middle Earths.
I then started to read the monument : the Lord of the Rings, that I devoured many times since.
As time went by, I also discovered other writings: the Silmarillon, Tales and Unfinished Legends… A must!

Druss, the Legend.
I regularly reread David Gemell’s various novels.
His way of describing battles is a treat.
Start by reading Legend, you will inevitably want to read his other works!

Another master in this field.
I discovered with passion the cycle of Elric and his cursed sword, Stormbringer, when I was a teenager!
Then I followed his novels about the different incarnations of the eternal champion. Hawkmoon, Corum, Erekösé. A real crush for this fabulous author.

The one who revolutionized the genre
No pity for his characters!
This is what I admire about George RR Martin.
With the Game of Thrones saga, you fall off your chair with every chapter.
He just needs to finish 🙂

Ledroit & Froideval
Chronicles of the black moon
Read, re-read, re-read. I can’t count the number of times I devoured these comics.
A reference in Dark Fantasy.
The artists have changed over time, but I’m still a fan!
A good chair and...

Tolkien !
Who doesn’t know Tolkien? One of the greatest authors of Fantasy. If not the greatest?
I discovered Tolkien through the reading of The Hobbit when I was a child.
Then, many years later, I rediscovered him as a teenager by playing a role-playing game (MERPG for the experts) which takes place in the Middle Earths.
I then started to read the monument : the Lord of the Rings, that I devoured many times since.
As time went by, I also discovered other writings: the Silmarillon, Tales and Unfinished Legends… A must!

Druss, the Legend.
I regularly reread David Gemell’s various novels.
His way of describing battles is a treat.
Start by reading Legend, you will inevitably want to read his other works!

Another master in this field.
I discovered with passion the cycle of Elric and his cursed sword, Stormbringer, when I was a teenager!
Then I followed his novels about the different incarnations of the eternal champion. Hawkmoon, Corum, Erekösé. A real crush for this fabulous author.

The one who revolutionized the genre
No pity for his characters!
This is what I admire about George RR Martin.
With the Game of Thrones saga, you fall off your chair with every chapter.
He just needs to finish 🙂

Ledroit & Froideval
Chronicles of the black moon
Read, re-read, re-read. I can’t count the number of times I devoured these comics.
A reference in Dark Fantasy.
The artists have changed over time, but I’m still a fan!